San Sebastian


And squash: there is a single tennis court roofed, and two open-air squash courts--both between the el pico del loro beach and bottom of mount igeldo.

La Zurriola

To the east of the old town and river is a surf beach, clearly better if you want waves or beach sports.

Paseo del muelle

By the paseo de kaiko, at the far right of la concha beach.

Aduana Kalea

Kayaks can be hired on ondaretta beach, for about €7 per hour.

statue of Christ

For a short easy hike visit the statue of Christ on top of the mountain between the beaches. It takes around an hour to walk up at a leisurely pace. There's a bar on the way up if you need to stop for refreshments or admire the view. To reach the bar: find a library; from there find directions upstairs to a Castle; follow the stairs along green hedge. The park officially closes at 9pm in summer in reality, gates close bit later, and the bar closes before sunset in summer time--and definitely before park is closed.

La Concha

On the west side is the larger, is protected from the sea and has an island and boats in the bay. ondarreta is in the same bay as la concha, but split by el pico del loro a rocky outcropping. la concha and ondarreta has umbrellas, tents and lounge chairs for €15 per day; free wc, showers and changing rooms. a team of fully-equipped life-guards are there during the daytime.

Tourist Land Train

A tourist land train leaves from the calle zubieta in front of la concha beach.


There are two main beaches, one on either side of the concha, on the west side is the larger, is protected from the sea and has an island and boats in the bay. ondarreta is in the same bay as la concha, but split by el pico del loro a rocky outcropping. la concha and ondarreta has umbrellas, tents and lounge chairs for €15 per day; free wc, showers and changing rooms. a team of fully-equipped life-guards are there during the daytime. la zurriola to the east of the old town and river is a surf beach, clearly better if you want waves or beach sports.


Surfboards and bodyboards can be rented on zurriola beach. you'll probably want to spring for a wetsuit as well. the surf shop also offers surf lessons around €65 per person for five one-hour lessons in a small group (http://www.pukassurfeskol...).

Water skiing

In the la concha bay

Amusement Park

An aging amusement park with quaint rides can be found at the top of mount igeldo, at the west end of la concha bay. a funicular cable-car will take you up and down the mountain approx €1.40 each way; operates 10am-9pm. if you use your own transport to get up including walking you'll have to pay a €1.70 per person toll at the top. as well as the rides, the top of the mountain provides a great view of the town.