Pamplona Basque: Iruña (http://www.pamplona.es) is a city in Navarra, Spain. It is most famous world-wide for its San Fermín festival also known as "The Running of the Bulls" held each year from July 6th - 14th, which features the daily bullrun or "Encierro" in spanish. Pamplona is a beautiful green city and ranks the highest in enviroment and recycling cities in Spain & Europe. There are many interesting things to do and explore in Pamplona for traveler as it is a main city on the route of St. James Camino de Santiago, Wine routes & tours, Roman mosiacs and buildings and it is a city with beautiful parks and river running through it also. There city has three universities, Public: Universidad Pública de Navarra & Private: Universidad de Navarra, and two campus´ located in different parts of the city.