

The nucleus of the original settlement of Lastres was in what today is known by the name of the "Neighborhood of the Whale-boats". The only access to the village was a dangerous path over the cliff that today occupies the great perron who goes down to the dock.

Lastres is Llastres in the Asturian language,

Like other coastal villages, Lastres) experienced a great growth thanks to the abundance of fishing in his bay and the apprehension of whales that were going next to his coast. " With the fat and the oil of the whales was lit for many years the lamp of the Cathedral of Oviedo, Valdedios's Convent and the big current lamps that preside the Church of Lastres. "

This epoch of brilliance XVIth and XVIIth century explain the construction and greatness of his 'casonas' typical houses. Between this, you can find the Natal house of the mathematical Agustín de Pedrayes.

Many visitors who dare to lose in the 'Calle Real' Royal Street and the innumerable stairs of the village, can meet small squares full of captivation, popular fountains, chapels, all this placed in a popular and unique set.

However this area is becoming more famous as the center of finds from the Jurassic period.