
There are plenty of local festivities, in which local food, folk groups and local costumes are the main attraction:

Fair of La Ascensión variable date in May. It is a fair devoted to the countryside with an arts and crafts market, local produce and folk groups playing in the streets.

La Balesquida or Counryside Tuesday first Tuesday of Whitsun. The main event is a procession that takes place in the square in front of the Cathedral, followed by the handing-out of bollu preñau pronounced boyoo preniau, or sausage-filled bread.

La Foguera de San Juan. The night of the 23rd of June St. John, bonfires are lit all over the city and in the square of the Cathedral. There is also a fountain-decorating contest.

Fiestas de San Mateo are mostly a cultural affair with plays and concerts scheduled for the week leading up to St-Mathew's Day. America Day in Asturias takes place on the 19th of September in honour of the Asturian emigrants. A procession takes place through the main streets. On St. Mathew's day itself 21st of september there is a hand-out of bollu preñau and wine.