
If you like eating, maybe you'll never come back from Galicia. You will find seafood and a wide range of products made from pork-- the whole animal is eaten, even the blood. Galicia is definitely the place to go if you like seafood and fish, since Galicia is by itself a world fishing power for example, almost half the mussels in the world are 'harvested' in Galicia.

Marisco The best seafood in Spain is served in Galicia, don´t miss the "centollo", "necoras"and "percebes" also the mussels are superb.

Empanada - a mixture between a pizza and a meatcake

Polvo à feira - octopus prepared with oil, salt and hot paprika - surely the best octopus you'll ever find.

Caldo galego is a "poor mans stew" from Galicia. It's not extravagant, but extremely satisfying and useful for combating the cool dampness of the region.

Bacallau ao alvariño is a fabulous cod dish that is worth trying.

Galicia also has a lot of good desserts. Churros are common throughout the region. While in Santiago de Compostela, look out for a tarta de Santiago. It's a cake with the Galician Cross also known as the Cross of Santiago drawn into the icing.

-Pementos de Padrón see Drink section