Santiago is a relatively small city about 100,000 inhabitants and you can get anywhere by walking.
Even so, there are several bus lines that connect every part of the city. These services are offered by the company Tralusa. The ticket costs â¬1.00 for adults for people under 18 it costs â¬0.55. If you are going to take several bus trips, you may buy a bono Bus Pass of 10, 20, or 30 tickets with a price of â¬0.55 for each one. You can buy these bonos from the bus drivers and you must pay a deposit of â¬3 that will be payed back to you if you return the card in good condition. The most interesting line for visitors is the number 5, that stops at the bus station and goes to the city center.
Taxis are not very expensive and the taxi drivers are usually kind and willing to help tourists.Taxi from to and from the airport are available at a fixed rate of â¬19 2010 rates.