Leicester Square


Any Amount of Books
56 Charing Cross Rd WC2H 0QA
+44 20 7836 3697
tube: Leicester Sq

Rare and second-hand books. Specialise in scholarly academic works and art-related titles.

Goldsboro Books
7 Cecil Ct WC2N 4EZ
+44 20 7497 9230
tube: Leicester Sq

First editions and signed fiction

Henry Pordes Books Ltd
58-60 Charing Cross Rd WC2H 0BB
+44 20 7836 9031
tube: Leicester Sq

Secondhand, antiquarian and all out-of print books.


Charing Cross Road and the tiny Cecil Court which leads off it, have long been the centre of the specialist and antiquarian book trade in London. There are fewer outlets than previously as spiralling rents pushed out a lot of the traditional booksmiths but a lot still remain. Any booklover will be in heaven here.

David Drummond at Pleasures of Past Times
11 Cecil Ct WC2N 4EZ
+44 20 7836 1142
tube: Leicester Sq

Specialises in books and other memorabilia related to the performing arts and old children's books.

Paul J Hilton
12 Cecil Ct WC2N 4HE
+44 20 7379 9825
tube: Leicester Sq

Antiquarian and general books, especially first edition English literature.

Quinto Bookshop & Francis Edwards
72 Charing Cross Rd WC2H 0BB
+44 20 7379 7669

Huge collection. Francis Edwards have been in business here since 1856.