
Sunderland has poor nightlife,although nearby Newcastle-upon-Tyne is better with a multitude of bars, pubs and clubs for all tastes with many staying open til the early hours of the morning. The alcohol is stupendously cheap compared to some other places in the UK. Studenty during the week, big night on Saturday, but clubs and bars open all nights.

Independant is a bar on Holmeside playing all types of music, cheap drinks and open till 4AM).

Paddywacks an Irish themed late bar which often hosts live music on Green Street. Stays open until the early hours of the morning.

The Glass Spider Next door to the afore mentioned Paddywacks and stays open even later til 4am!

Infusion Good mainly for the fact that it sells incredibly cheap "trebles" of house spirits.

Pure is an indie bar opposite Infusion next to the bus interchange. Cheap beer and the bar upstairs often has live music events.

The Borough is an old-school pub with some good beer and better indie/rock music as well as frequent live events in a common vein. Get "Jaeger-bombs" here to start your night!

Passion Rock Club, formally Pzazz, is a large club and music venue with a restaurant. It is usually full of drunken kids and bad music. The drinks are expensive too.