A safe county to visit but like most places worldwide in these modern times, take care walking at night, especially in the cities or dark unlit areas.City centre pubs and clubs are safe to visit but some can get a little rowdy due to to present day drinking culture. Check your cab home is a registered cab and displaying a cab licence plate number on the back if in doubt.The local police are helpful and friendly.
People from Lancashire tend to speak English with a Northern accent called Lancastrian. The accent can differ from one town to another, although non-Brits are unlikely to be able to tell any difference. Traditional Lancashire accents are rhotic, as are most American and Irish accents.
As with most of the UK, very few natives speak other foreign languages. However, many ethnic minorities/immigrants now reside in the county, and languages such as such as Hindi, Urdu, Chinese, Polish and Lithuanian are spoken within those groups.