
This is the best place to celebrate Guy Fawkes nightaka Bonfire Night, celebrated annually on the 5th of November - unless the 5th lands on a Sunday, in which case it is celebrated on the 4th. The biggest celebrations in the UK, Bonfire is a true spectacle to behold - with several bonfire sites throughout town each home to an individual society which host a bonfire, the burning of effergies and of course, fireworks; societies and their members parading through the town in grand processions displaying banners, effigies, costumes ranging from the historical, luxurious to the down-right bizarre, bangers, fire crackers and more hand held paraffin torches than you are likely to ever see anywhere else... the entire night is one large party, but one that locals take very seriously. An incredible amount of time, cost and energy goes into the organisation of the night each year, and traditions such as the death march are observed with the same pride as they would have been four hundred years ago. Visitors are, however, being discouraged to come to town on Bonfire by locals - as trouble and bad press is perceived to stem from out-of-towners who do not understand the tradition and organisation of the night, mistaking it often as a chance to get drunk in public and act inappropriately - as such, all roads in and out of town are closed off in the late afternoon on the fifth and do not re-open until after the celebrations are over. Practical information can be found at the Lewes Bonfire Council website (http://www.lewesbonfireco...). An extensive history of the celebrations can be found at any of the society webpages, including that of the well-known Cliffe Bonfire society. (http://www.cliffebonfire....).