
Catch A Ferry most travellers will use Newhaven as a stopping point en route to France and beyond; services run to Le Havre and Dieppe

Newhaven Fort A fort in operation since Napoleonic times, it ceased operation after WW2 and has been converted into a fascinating museum. the view over the channel is also well worth a visit. Prices are as follows:







Family Tickets

2 adults + 2/3 children â£16.50

Adults £16.50, Senior/ Unwaged/student £13.00,

Child £11.00, Family £45.00

Visitors must note that there is a height bar to the car park; however alternative car parking is available.

Tide Mills

Not a great tourist attraction, part of the old course of the ouse river; before it broke through and 'new - haven' was created. there are various specialist plants. possible to walk to the nearby town of seaford, very pleasant on a sunny day

Newhaven Museum

Paradise Park Originally a garden centre but has had bits added to it, now includes a model railway, dinosaur museum, a mini arcade and Newhaven Museum. it in the north of Newhaven, on 'Avis Road'. Open Sundays