
Several bus companies operate within Portsmouth and the surrounding areas. A day travel ticket can be bought for £3.60 £2.40 concessions. It is also possible to travel between the harbour and the city centre using the train. It is a compact, flat city however, and nowhere is a very long walk.

At night, if you can find an elevated position you can navigate via the chain of blue lights along the sea-front, to the south.

Here are some of the local names for the areas which may be useful for people visiting

The Hard is the area around Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, Gunwharf Quays and Portsmouth Harbour Train and Bus Stations.

Old Portsmouth/Sallyport/Spice Island, the area around the Anglican Cathedral Square and Round Tower, Camber Dock and along the sea walls.

Southsea, the area next to the sea at the Southern end of the island and it stretches further north to include Southsea Town Centre Palmerston, Elm, Marmion and Albert Roads.

Commercial Road, the city centre, and the main shopping and market street, home of Cascades shopping mall.

Fratton, the area north of Southsea and east of Commercial Road really useful only if you are attending a football match at Fratton Park or changing trains at Fratton Station