
Barnsley town centre is fairly compact and easy to walk around, but there are many suburban villages and smaller towns on the outskirts.

A fairly adventurous person could walk to and from the suburbs, but there are also many bus stops around the town and countryside. Details of services are available from the Travel South Yorkshire (http://www.travelsouthyor...) web site, or by phoning the Traveline call centre on 01709 515151.

Public transport late at night after 11PM is usually limited to taxis. Blue Line is the biggest operator tel. 244 444, and alternatives include A1 Taxis tel. 288 888. Licenced taxis either use a meter, or charge a fixed price depending on distance. The price can normally be agreed prior to the start of your journey. As is the case in the rest of the UK, the driver will normally expect a small tip on top of the fair.

The Trans Pennine Trail (http://www.transpenninetr...) may be a more fitting route for cyclists or horseriders. Stop at Pot House Hamlet (http://www.pothousehamlet...) in Silkstone on the way for a coffe, snack or meal and visit the many amenities there.