
Lagoon Leisure Centre
Mill street, Paisley.
''+44 141'' 889 4000

Contains Swimming pools and an ice rink as well as other sports equipment and gyms. Ice hockey, curling and leisure skating can be played in the ice rink which has also staged boxing events.

Glenifer Braes Country Park
Glenfield Rd.
Entry is free.
South side of the town

Extensive pathways run along the crest of this hill as far as Barrhead and Johnstone.

St Mirren F.C

Local football team.

Fernie Guided Tours of Paisley
''+44 141'' 561 8078
Sa and Public holidays 10.45AM-1.45PM. Bookings are required.
tours leave from outside of Paisley Abbey

A guided tour on foot round some of the sites and buildings of Paisley.

The University of the West of Scotland is located in the centre of the town. Reid Kerr college is on Renfrew Road in the North of the town.