Old Town

Edinburgh Castle
0131 225 9846
Admission Jun-Sep/Oct-May: adults £15/£14, concessions £12/£11.20, children £8.50/£8.20 (2011 prices)
Open daily Apr-Oct 9:30AM-6PM, Nov-Mar 9:30AM-5PM

Edinburgh Castle, home to the Edinburgh Tattoo, is a magnificently situated royal fortress located on one of the highest points in the city. The castle has been continuously in use for 1000 years and is in excellent condition. The audio tour, which costs £3 per headset, is extremely detailed and worth hiring, providing both location based and chronologically based commentary on the castle. Highlights include the Honours of Scotland the Scottish Crown Jewels and the ancient St Margaret's Chapel. There are also concerts on the castle esplanade in the same stands as the Tattoo.