Dumfries and Galloway

Galloway is famous for dairy produce, including a variety of local cheeses and Cream of Galloway ice-cream, a luxury brand produced near Kirkcudbright and widely available throughout the region.

Disappointingly, it can be difficult to get hold of freshly landed local fish, however there are fishmongers at the Isle of Whithorn and the Galloway Smokehouse near Creetown.

Speaking of smokehouses, the Galloway Smokehouse supplies a range of excellent smoked meats, cheeses and fish. Marberry Smokehouse has an outlet close by - the company supplies many top restaurants in Glasgow and further afield.

In early summer, new pototoes are available either local or from Ayrshire, and are something of a local delicacy.

Local game is sometimes available from butchers and restaurants.

Castle Douglas styles itself as the region's food town - both locally produced and more exotic foodstuffs are available there.

Pub food is generally above average; most villages have at least one pub that serves excellent meals.