Mission Viejo

Lake Mission Viejo (http://www.lakemissionvie...) man-made, one of the prettiest locations in Mission Viejo and all of Orange County. In order to create waterfront property in Mission Viejo before the housing boom of Southern Orange County, the lake was built and allows swimming, sailing, kayaking, and fishing. These waterfron properties typically sell upward of $2 million dollars in today's economy.

Holy Jim Canyon & Falls (http://www.localhikes.com...) in the Cleveland National Forest

Mission Viejo Public Library (http://cmvl.org) is a recent building whose impressive design was inspired by the California Arts & Crafts movement.

Florence Joyner Olympic Park is a beautiful park at the corner of Olympiad and Alicia Parkway built in honor of Olympian Florence Joyner who lived in the upscale Canyon Crest Estates above the park. She suddenly died in her home in the 1990's and the park is built in her memory.