Brockton Villa
1235 coast blvd, +1 858 454-7393, (http://www.brocktonvilla....). m 8am-3pm, tu-su 8am-9pm. well known for their breakfast and lunch menus. $12-$25.
Cafe Japengo
Delicious sushi and hip vibe
Porkyland Restaurant
1030 torrey pines rd, +1 858 459-1708, ( mexican restaurant specializing, naturally, in pork.
Shores Restaurant
Located at the La Jolla Shores Hotel, offering seasonal cuisine, oceanfront views and a great selection of wines. Award-winning chefs, delicious American comfort food.
La Valencia Hotel
1132 prospect st, +1 858 454-0771, ( best known for their sunday brunch.
Su Casa Mexican Restaurant
6738 la jolla blvd, +1 858 454-0369, (http://www.sucasarestaura...). lunch 11:30am-4pm. dinner 4pm-9pm su-th, 4pm-10pm f-sa. an exceptional, and very vegetarian friendly mexican establishment.