Day hikes
Notch Trail.
Moderate to strenuous 1.5 miles 2.4 km round trip. this trail is not recommended for those with a fear of heights. this trail provides a wonderful view of the white river valley and pine ridge reservation. the trail, however, can be very dangerous just after rains, especially heavy rains. sturdy hiking boots and plenty of sun protection hat, sunscreen, sunglasses are recommended.
Always carry water. Keep your distance from wildlife, especially bison. If your presence causes a change in behavior, then you are too close.
Refer to the Stay Safe section for more details about exploring the park.
Digging and/or moving fossils or artifacts from their locations in the ground is prohibited by Federal law. Offenders are subject to heavy fines and possibly jail. If you find some fossils or artifacts, note all details, and then stop by the Cedar Pass Contact Station and make a report.