
Gallery 54
54 East Genesee St
+1 315 685-5470
Overlooking the Lake

Fine arts and fine crafts by local artists, featuring Jewelry, Ceramics, Fiber Art, Photography, Stained Glass, Oil and Watercolor Paintings…and much more!

Skaneateles has over 40 unique shops and boutiques. Make sure you get off the main street Genesee Street and check out the shops on Jordan and Fennell Streets.

The Lucas Gallery (http://www.lucasgalleryon...) opened on December 16th, 2007 at 33 Jordan Street right across from Joe's Pasta Garage see below. It offers the works of local artists in sculture, painting, and photography. Open Weekends - Toll Free 1-866-77LUCAS 1-866-775-8227.