Gowanus and Red Hook

Statue of Liberty
1 Liberty Island

Red Hook is the only place in New York where you can get a frontal view of the Statue of Liberty from land.

Gowanus Canal
Gowanus Canal

The anchor of the Gowanus neighborhood is this famously polluted canal. The Carroll Street Bridge is the oldest retractable bridge in the US and one of only four left. Recently, the canal and surrounding buildings has been considered for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

Kentler International Drawing Space
353 Van Brunt St
+1 718 875-2098
Th-Su noon-5PM
B61/B77 buses to Van Brunt St/Dikeman St

A small 2-room gallery divided by a bizzare door.

Waterfront Museum and Showboat Barge
290 Conover St, Pier 44
+1 718 624-4719
Donations suggested
Th 4PM-8PM, Sa 1PM-5PM
at Reed; Subway: F/G trains to Smith-9th Sts, then transfer to B77 bus to Conover St and Coffey St