Oregonians are fanatically proud of the natural beauty of their state; littering or otherwise causing harm to the scenic beauty - including wildlife - found here is bound to draw attention to you that you probably do not want, up to and including that special type which only an officer of the law can give.
That being said, keep in mind that while Portland and the rest of the Willamette Valley is very cosmopolitan and culturally similar to San Francisco and Seattle, Eastern Oregon and Southern Oregon are more akin to Idaho and Nevada; that is to say, quite conservative. Contrary to popular belief, not all Oregonians are liberal, a fact which will become abundantly clear to you on a trip to a place such as Burns, La Grande, or Prineville.
State issues in general tend to be divided along Willamette / non-Willamette lines that is, large cities within the valley such as Eugene and Portland / smaller cities along the coast, around the mountains, and in the high desert, and some resentment between these groups may be uncovered. The State of Jefferson, a region of southern Oregon and northern California marked by a period of attempted secession during the first half of the 20th century, retains a very independent mindset: Jefferson Public Radio and the State of Jefferson Chamber of Commerce are two indicators of a retained degree of autonomy from this period.
natural hazards
Natural hazards are also few, but include mountaineering fatalities Mt. Hood in particular. Tsunamis on the coast are very rare, but have occurred; make note of the "Evacuation Route" signs. For information on the state's hazard assessment, visit the NOAA Center for Tsunami Research ( Sudden snowstorms in the Cascade Mountains from October to May occur and could lead to increased avalanche danger. The usual perils of desert travel in the Southeastern part of the state could be eminent if you are unprepared, so always follow desert survival guidelines; and rattlesnakes, bears and other wildlife particularly east of the Cascade range.
Oregonians are known for being exceptionally kind and welcoming people; accordingly, violent crime in Oregon is quite low and visitors are not likely to have any harm come to them during their stay. Be aware, however, that violence has been on the rise in the Portland and Salem areas due to increasing gang activity - troubles which have likely been exacerbated by the state's 10.5% unemployment rate November, 2009. Property crime is always a problem. The most dangerous neighborhood in the entire state is probably the King neighborhood in Northeast Portland and even this area is not too risky if traveling in a group at night. The Rockwood district in suburban Gresham is also known for disturbingly high levels of violent and property crime. A casual visitor, however, will not likely have any reason to go to either of these places - in fact, most residents don't, either. For hazards specific to these cities, please see their respective WikiTravel pages.
If you are in need of emergency assistance, dial 911 on your phone.
Marijuana is decriminalized in Oregon. Possession of a user-quantity 1 oz. or less is a civil violation and and can be punished by a fine of $500-$1,000. The level of enforcement will vary greatly depending on where you are: in Portland Potland? the police will likely dump it on the ground and tell you to get lost; in Eugene they might smoke it with you; and in Burns you'll likely face down a judge who isn't too keen on letting some "Godless stoner" off with anything less than the maximum fine. Dealing is, as one might expect, not tolerated as well and offenders can expect unpleasant ramifications in the form of a felony conviction; this is especially true within 1,000 feet of a school.
As for "hard drugs", you're better off avoiding them. Due to the state's awful methamphetamine wave of the 1980's - 2000's, there is very little tolerance in this area and a number of tough laws passed in response to the epidemic will all but ensure that you will be involved with the legal system for a long time to come and at great expense. Another side effect of the state's notorious methamphetamine problem is that any medication containing pseudoephedrine e.g. Sudafed is treated as a Class III Controlled Substance of the Controlled Substance Act and thus requires a prescription. This also means that one must prove that they have a prescription to be in possession of such medications, so if one is coming from out-of-state it is a good idea to leave it at home.
Psychoactive mushrooms grow naturally here and abundantly, but, of course, possession is illegal. Don't be stupid.
travel hazards
If you venture out of the Willamette Valley during your stay, be sure that your automobile is well fueled and in suitable condition: while Portland is modern and well-populated, Eastern Oregon includes some of the most sparsely populated areas in the United States. Harney County in the Southeast region of the state, for example, is slightly smaller than Massachusetts but is the home to only about 7,000 people. Breaking down out there will, in best case scenarios, make for a very long and annoying day; at worst, the consequences can be tragic. In rural areas, be aware that many seemingly passable roads are truly impassable for large portions of fall, winter and spring. Apparent routes or shortcuts across mountainous areas and deserts should be validated with locals before attempting - deep snow has captured the vehicle of many a tourist or day tripper who ventured into unknown territory and pushed when they should have exercised better judgment.
Finally, as the subject of the vast emptiness of Oregon has been broached, remember to always have an adequate map Benchmark Maps makes an exceptionally good one, especially if traveling into the wilderness on foot: each year many hikers go missing and, sadly, some never return. Know where you are going, and make sure someone else does too.
Oregon State Police: 503 378-3720
Oregon State University offers a Saferide Program (http://asosu.oregonstate....) throughout the week.