Roxy Ann Winery
Numerous regional wineries have tasting rooms, and several stores feature local wine selections. Medford is in a warmer, drier climate than other wine-producing regions of Oregon, producing several vintages unique to the state. One of the larger public wineries, Roxy Ann Winery, is five minutes east of downtown.
The Harry and David store is near the South Medford I-5 interchange. You can get items listed in their catalog, often at reduced prices. Or pay as little as 29 cents a pound for the "Royal Riviera" or Anjou pears for which H&D is noted, at some other stores - these would be pears that are cosmetically not perfect, but still just as flavorful.
Downtown is an area undergoing considerable renewal in the past few years, after a period of deterioration. There's a number of small shops, bars, and restaurants along Main Street. Parking is free on the street and in the parking structure on 6th Street between Riverside and Central. Rogue Community College and the relatively new Medford library are on the south side of downtown.
Rogue Valley Mall is the largest mall in Southern Oregon. It's near the North Medford I-5 interchange.
Along Biddle Road one finds a major commercial area. At the south end is the Medford Center. Going north one finds restaurants, Bi-Mart, Barnes&Noble, and the Food4Less, a large supermarket with discount prices.
Crater Lake Center is another shopping area, to the north out Highway 62. It has a Costco, Wal-mart, Office Depot, Lowe's and other large stores.