
N. Lombard st.

Gladstone High School has a parade that starts at Max Patterson Memorial Park and goes to the High School for Homecoming it is always on the last Friday of Homecoming week. There are floats made by each of the classes and each year there is a theme according to the opponent being played the Homecoming football game. It's a lot of fun for the kids.

Childrens Golf Course
River Road

There is also a Childrens Golf Course off of River Road. Its a lot of fun there is about 18 holes and a driving range.

Gladstone is a small town so there are not that many things to but at various times throughout the year there are a few fun things. Two of them are mentioned above but here are some other ideas as well as information on them.

The biggest one is the Chautauqua Festival which happens yearly usually the first week of August. The majority of the events that take place are located at Max Patterson Memorial Park. There are numerous booths that offer things to buy as well as food and typical festival food. There are also your typical carnival rides in the baseball fields at the park. There is also a quilt show at the elementary school. There is also a parade that takes place every year down Portland Ave which goes right through the heart of Gladstone. One of the first Chautauqua Festivals was back in 1889 and has just continued ever since.

The Second biggest thing in Gladstone is the Fireworks show every Fourth of July which was held Meldrum Bar Park in the past. The show will be put on by Oregon City in 2007. The whole thing starts at dark which is usually about 10 and lasts for about 45 minutes it is a pretty good show for a small town. The Park will be closed during the fireworks in 2007, as the City council have safety issues. Expect major traffic issues as the spectators that went to Meldrum Bar Park in the past will be headed to Oregon City's Clackamette Park, across the Clackamas River.


If you are looking for a show or something like that twice a year the Gladstone High School puts on some sort of a play so look for those.