
Shopping districts

shopping districts
Pioneer Square
719 SW Morrison St.

Just about any street in Downtown Portland has some neat shops, particularly around Pioneer Square and Broadway.

shopping districts
Pearl District
1405 NW Johnson St

Just meandering through the neighborhood, you're sure to come across many boutiques, gift shops, and furniture stores. the areas around jamison square and the intersection of lovejoy street and 10th avenue have the highest concentration of these fabulous shops.

shopping districts
Hawthorne District

East side of the willamette river. a popular shopping area, particularly the section between 34th and 39th ave. includes head shops, vintage clothing, used books and magazines, local clothing designers and craft stores.

shopping districts
NW 23rd
NW 23rd Ave

North of burnside. part of the northwest/nob hill district and one of the most densely populated shopping districts, with some funky and eclectic shops.

shopping districts
Pioneer Place
700 SW 5th Ave

Located downtown on sw 5th & yamhill. similar to lloyd center, though more upscale.

shopping districts

Specializing in antique and vintage furnishings.

shopping districts
Washington Square

In the suburb of tigard south of portland. the largest shopping mall in the state of oregon, with just about everything you would expect to find.

shopping districts
Lloyd Center

A large mall just northeast of downtown near the convention center with dozens of stores to visit.

shopping districts
Clackamas Town Center

Off of i-205 exit 14, (http://www.clackamastownc...). great shopping facilities; smaller than lloyd center, but just as much to see. accessible by max green line.

As in the rest of Oregon, there is no sales tax in Portland; the price you see on the tag is the price you pay. Portland is, by far, the largest metro area in the U.S. without a sales tax. This does not apply to Vancouver, which is part of the metro area, but is in Washington State. A tax of 8.2% applies there.