Be aware there are rattlesnakes in the area. While they are not agressive or too numerous they are there. Rocks do sometimes fall on the road, so be aware. In the bottom of the coulee, on the south side near the cliffs, watch your step as the entire area there has been used as a dumping ground for automobiles, so broken glass, rusted wires, and other things may be lurking in the sand or among the brush. A barbed wire fence also runs north to south across the coulee and is not always easy to spot. It does not obstruct the dirt road at the bottom of the coulee.
To park your vehicle in the area, you'll need a Vehicle Use Permit from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. These permits are available at most outdoor equipment and hardware stores and cost 10.95USD for the year. A 79USD fine is charged if you are caught parking without one.