Olympic National Park

Hall of Moss Trail

This mile and a half stroll crosses a small creek and up to an older grove of trees. western hemlock, douglas firs, bigleaf maple, western cedar, red alder, vine maple, black cottonwood, and the sitka spruce live together with a slew of different epiphytes-- plants which live on other plants.


There are numerous beaches that can be visited, most are simply numbered, i.e. beach trail 3. ruby beach is one exception, which also happens to be very hard to get to. this makes ruby beach one of many ideal locations to visit if you are seeking solitude while you enjoy nature. despite the small populations in this part of the state, some of the beaches can be quite crowded during a small period in the summer months usually 3 weeks or so in late june and early july, with fishermen, clamers, and screaming children.


Hiking and Backpacking The Olympic National Park has a very extensive trail system, both through the interior and along the coast. Much of the interior and the coast is wilderness and can only be seen from the trails.