Hoh Rainforest
12 miles or so on Upper Hoh road heading east from US101 on the west coast of the Olympic peninsula. There are several small, presumably dirt roads heading into the area. They are probably old logging roads, and might not be kept up at all. Considering the amount of rainfall in the area, these roads might only be passable with a high clearance off-highway vehicle. There is one stop for gas and snack food, film, etc. on Upper Hoh before the park entrance. 6 miles from the parking lot is the gate house which is unstaffed in the winter and the entrance fee can be donated in the unstaffed visitor center. Watch for herds of elk in the area, roll down the window even if it is raining and take in the smell of what seems a recently drained underwater world. Grab a map at the visitor's center or just head straight to the 2 trails.It is an 18-mile hike from the Hoh Visitor Center to the summit of Mt. Olympus with its glacier fields the last five miles being steepest. Trails are well-maintained but good hiking boots and gear are recommended.