
Hunter Wetlands Centre
Wallsend Rd, Sandgate
02 4951 6466

7 days, 9AM-5PM. A regenerated 45 ha wetlands area adjacent to Hexham Swamp. There are walking trails, a bicycle trail, a canoe trail, picnic and barbeque facilities, and a visitors' centre.

TE Guide

provides weekly entertainment listings and appears in Wednesday's "Post" free newspaper and Thursday's Newcastle Herald in print and online. The online version is not always kept up to date, so it is best to get hold of a print copy. Alternately, look for Uturn streetpress, which is widely distributed to shops and libraries around town.

The University of Newcastle ( is one of the major regional universities in New South Wales. Its academic program is quite broad and includes many liberal arts courses. Their undergraduate medicine degree is very highly regarded.

Festivals and events

festivals and events
This Is Not Art Festival

The festival is held in the same long weekend each year, and showcases the talents of young and emerging artists, writers, media makers and electronic musicians from around Australia.

festivals and events

Australia's largest surfing contest and festival.

festivals and events
Cultural Stomp
Civic Park

A one day celebration, bringing people together to celebrate the region's cultural diversity. Forums, panels, music, art, films, spoken word.

festivals and events
The Shoot Out

24 hour film making festival.

festivals and events
Carols by Candlelight

are held each December in many of Newcastle's parks.

festivals and events
Mattara Festival

A week long series of events that commences each year during the Labour Day long weekend in late September/early October. The Mattara festival notably includes the Mattara Hillclimb, a car race held in scenic King Edward Park ( The festival also features a grand parade, concerts, family entertainment and market stalls.

Ocean baths

ocean baths
Newcastle Ocean Baths
Shortland Esp

Close to the city centre, these historic baths were opened in 1922.

ocean baths
Merewether Ocean Baths
Henderson Pde

The largest ocean baths complex in the southern hemisphere.

ocean baths
The Bogey Hole
York Dr

Carved out of the rock by convicts, this ocean pool at the bottom of King Edward Park is a great place for a relaxing dip.

ocean baths

No visit to Newcastle during the warmer months would be complete without taking a dip in the ocean baths. On sunny days you can sunbathe on the Grandstand on the Fort side of the Baths.

The baths are also open during the winter, for the more adventurous. The Newcastle baths are home to the "Newcastle Pirates", a winter swimming club not unlike the Icebergs or Polar Bears of other places.


Bar Beach
Memorial Dr.

is regarded by many as the best of a range of beaches which ring the city.

Kite surfing
Nobbys Beach